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RF based remote controlled robot with video sample

                                  Fig:-Circuit diagram of RF Based Remote Controlled Robot.

The robot is based on the radio frequency transmitter and receiver module for transmitting and receiving instruction. The robot is separated into two parts one is transmitter section and another is receiver section.

In transmitter section,switches are used to give the 4 bits input data, according to the user desire which are initially set as high. When the user press any button i.e. it is set 0,then the 4 bits parallel data is passes to the Encoder IC(HT12E). Encoder IC encoded the parallel data into the serial by shift register(parallel in serial out).The parallel data has to convert into the serial data because the RF module only works on the serial data. The serial data is then passes to the RF transmitter module,here the serial data is modulated with an oscillator frequency.
Then the modulated data is dispatch in the environment with the oscillating frequency of 434 MHz through the antenna.

Receiver section,when the receiver antenna receive the data it passes to the receiver module where demodulation process take place.Now the modulated serial data is transmit to the Decoder IC. Decoder IC decodes the data and convert it into the parallel data using shift register(serial in parallel out).
 The output of the decoder is then connected to the NOT gate in order to make the all the output low because the motor driver did not operate smoothly when all the output are high.Then the output of NOT gate is then connected to the motor driver which work under the principle of h-bridge.
fig :- h-bridge working mechanism
Now the output is connect to the motor and the ROBOT can be manually control from a distant place according to the user requirement. It was tested successfully around 200m range. 

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