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Fun with RGB led in Arduino

fun with RGB led

RGB stands for Red,Green,Blue. RGB led there are three cathode and one common anode.Each cathode is connected to a single color(red,green,blue) .Different color are produce in a single led.

Today we are going to blink  led with the 3 different color serially.

Components Required

  • RGB led
  • computer
  • resister[330 ohms]
  • Cable connector

for this,first of all we need to arrange the hardware components

Open the arduino programming software and start programming

int red=13;// define the pins
int green=12;
int blue = 11;
Void Setup()
{ pinMode(red,OUTPUT);// initialized the output and input pins
Void loop ()
{digitalWrite(13,HIGH);//red high for 50ns
digitalWrite(12,HIGH);//green high for 50ns
digitalWrite(11,HIGH);//blue high for 50ns
upload the program into Arduino using usb cable and enjoy with the output.

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