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introduction about arduino

Arduino is  an open source platform used to make the project.Its is an upgraded form of micro controller  specially target to the electronics lovers.programming are so simple so that it is easy to design a system of user  requirement.The Arduino program become more popular with people just starting out with electronics.
we can simply use USB cable,Arduino kit and a software in computer named the Arduino IDE  which use simplified version of c++ making easier to learn the program.

fig:-Arduino uno

as shown in figure above of Arduino port  A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5 are use for the analog input.and port 1,2,3,4,.......,13 are used for digital output/ is a microcontroller board based on ATmega 328p(data sheet).It contain every thing needed to support microcontroller.

It is connected to the computer using USB cable as shown in below program. 
we need Arduino IDE software on computer to program the Arduino.
The below example show the simplest thing you can do with Arduino to see the physical output.

  • Arduino board with USB cable
  • LED
  • computer with programming software

the LED arrangement is made as shown in figure

int led=13;//it indicate that the led positive pin is in 13 number port
void setup () {
pinMode(led,OUTPUT);// this indicates that the led is act as output
void loop() {
digitalWrite(led,HIGH);//this indicate that the led glow 
delay(1000);//for 100 ns
digitalWrite(led,LOW);//The led will off in this stage
delay(1000);//for 1000ns
in this way led will blink for 1000 ns anf remain for 1000 ns ,this process is continue unless certain change made in the program.

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