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Analog control of servo motor

Project Name :- Control the position of servo motor using the potentiometer

Today i am going to show the control of the direction of the servo motor on varying the value of the   potentiometer.
Component required
  1. Computer
  2. Arduino UNO with cable
  3. Servo motor
  4. 10 kohms potentiometer
  5. Jumper wires

  And a software named Arduino IDE in computer also we need library file for servo .
 According to Wikipedia "A servo motor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for precise control of angular or linear position,Velocity and acceleration.It consists of a suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback."
Differ from the other motor,Servo motor have three wires ground,power and the signal.The  brown color indicate ground,red wire indicate positive supply of the arduino. and the last is orange color which indicate the signal.
                                                                              fig :- servo connector
We are going to control the direction of the servo motor via potentiometer,arrange the circuit as shown below

fig:- circuit arrangement

#include <Servo.h>
Servo deneshservo;   //create  object to control the servo
int potpin=A0;           // connect analog pin of potentiometer  
void setup() {
  deneshservo.attach(9);//attach the servo signal pin on pin 9 of arduino


void loop() {
int val = analogRead(potpin); //read the value of potentiometer between 0 to 1023
  val=map(val,0,1023,0,180);//scale the value of potentiometer to 0 to 180 to use in servo
  deneshservo.write(val);    //set the servo according to the scaled value
  delay(15);                       //delayed time

In this project we,first measure the value of the potentiometer the we scale it using map   function  from 0 to 180.And we set the servo according to the scaled value.

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