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Django Tutorial Series:- Introduction


Django is a high level python web development framework used to develop web application. Web framework provide tools and libraries to simply common web develop operations.

Django web framework is written on a quick and powerful language which  follow the principle "Don't repeat yourself".It follow the MVC-MVT pattern ,which is helps in clean and maintainable web application.

History of django:-
 Django was created in 2003 by Adrain holovaty and simon willison as an internal project at the lawrence journal-world Newspaper. This framework is named after the famous guitarist Django Reinhardt.Now, django is an open project which has contributors across the world.

Advantage of Django Frame work:- 
1. It has built support for Ajax and other various frameworks.
2.  Easy to learn
3. It provides the bridge between the data model and the database engine. Also, supports large set of  database system.
4. It provides nice ready to use  user interface for administrative activities.

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